FLIP fest Winners!
FLIP (Flow Improvement Proposals) are a way for Flow developers and users to provide direct feedback about the improvements thye would like to see in Flow.
FLIP Fest was conducted over 3 months with over 100 developers participating in working on issues for reward bounties provided by Flow!
The following is a list of the winning projects, their respective developers, and links to their FLIP contribution Github repositories.
New Tools
Building on a platform like Flow is impossible without the right tools. And who better to build them than our users, who are working closely with Flow every day. Here are the list of winning submissions in the New Tools category. Congratualtions!
Block explorer GUI
@bartolomejWinner: Congratulations to the flippers! 🏆
Challenge Summary
Build a graphical user interface (GUI) that simplifies the network state into visual elements, allows for simple interactions, and is optimized for debugging and inspecting the Flow blockchain state.
Events indexing service
@chriswayoubWinner: Congratulations to chris615_dad2 (chriswayoub)! 🏆
Challenge Summary
When an event occurs, the application will update its internal state (e.g. a database) or notify its users of the on-chain activity. Many teams have integrated event tracking systems directly into their application infrastructure, but this is a common enough problem that it warrants a simple and general-purpose solution that can serve all teams.
Cadence support for IntelliJ Platform
@NikitasKotsolakosWinner: Congratulations to freeflowers! 🏆
Challenge Summary
Goal is to integrate basic Cadence editing features into the IntelliJ Platform, an IDE framework developed by JetBrains. Although IntelliJ itself is a Java editor, it is possible to write a plugin that adds Cadence language support to all IntelliJ-based editors (e.g. PyCharm, WebStorm).
Flow Rust SDK
@MarshallBellesWinner: Congratulations to fee1-dead! 🏆
Challenge Summary
We are looking for teams interested in building and maintaining SDKs for Flow to make it easier for a broad range of developers to interact with the blockchain. Build a SDK to the onflow/sdks
guidelines in a language from the list on the issue.
Flow Ruby SDK
@nduplessisWinner: Congratulations to nduplessis! 🏆
Challenge Summary
We are looking for teams interested in building and maintaining SDKs for Flow to make it easier for a broad range of developers to interact with the blockchain. Build a SDK to the onflow/sdks
guidelines in a language from the list on the issue.
@tyronbrandWinner: Congratulations to tyronbrand! 🏆
Challenge Summary
We are looking for teams interested in building and maintaining SDKs for Flow to make it easier for a broad range of developers to interact with the blockchain. Build a SDK to the onflow/sdks
guidelines in a language from the list on the issue.
Flow Swift SDK
@lmcmzWinner: Congratulations to lmcmz! 🏆
Challenge Summary
We are looking for teams interested in building and maintaining SDKs for Flow to make it easier for a broad range of developers to interact with the blockchain. Build a SDK to the onflow/sdks
guidelines in a language from the list on the issue.
New Features & Improvements
CryptoDappy: NFT Marketplace
@NguyenIvanWinner: Congratulations to phillip62_a774 (ph0ph0)! 🏆
Challenge Summary
We want to give users the experience to list their Dappies (NFTs) for sale in order to sell them to other buyers, and give buyers a chance to purchase Dappies of other users.
CryptoDappy: localization (I18n) solution
@knagatoWinner: Congratulations to nagato1_c511 (knagato)! 🏆
Challenge Summary
Community members have already published some translated documents (e.g. Vietnamese version), but the basic functionality of changing the language on the Learning Hub has not been implemented yet.
Dev Wallet: Improve OpenID implementation
@wfalcon0xWinner: Congratulations to wfalcon0x! 🏆
Challenge Summary
Dapps should be able to define and request user information (as per OpenID Standards) from FCL compatible wallet providers so that they can associate the account address with identity fields.
Flow Emulator: Report gas used
@avcdsldWinner: Congratulations to nagato1_c511 (avcdsld)! 🏆
Challenge Summary
There should be a way to see transaction gas (computation) usage.
Flow Emulator: Bootstrap with default contracts
@mwufiWinner: Congratulations to the FlashyTigers! 🏆
Challenge Summary
The emulator should be able to deploy contracts when it starts up. For Example:
- NFT Marketplace
Flow CLI: Hot Command
@sakshamb2113Winner: Congratulations to saksham214_1499 (sakshamb2113)! 🏆
Challenge Summary
The flow CLI should be customized to provide easy access to common commands.
Flow CLI: State management
@bluesignWinner: Congratulations to the Non Fungibles! 🏆
Challenge Summary
Flow developers use the playground to learn, experiment, and share Cadence code. The current playground model only supports a single account to have a single contract. We want to expand this feature to hold multiple contracts per account.
Flow CLI: Launch FCL development wallet
@bluesignWinner: Congratulations to bluesign! 🏆
Challenge Summary
This effort proposes bundling the dev wallet server as part of the emulator, and starting the wallet service alongside the emulator when working locally, removing the necessity for users to configure and run the dev wallet docker container manually.
Flow Playground: Markdown READMEs
hichanaWinner: Congratulations to Team Exponential! 🏆
Challenge Summary
The goal of this task is to add a feature to the playground that allows developers to add a written description to their projects, similar to README files in git repositories.
Flow Playground: Multiple contracts per account
@jakic12Winner: Congratulations to squidplay! 🏆
Challenge Summary
Flow developers use the playground to learn, experiment, and share Cadence code. The current playground model only supports a single account to have a single contract. We want to expand this feature to hold multiple contracts per account.
Flow Playground: Improve the resource explorer
@hichanaWinner: Congratulations to the Team Exponential! 🏆
Challenge Summary
In the playground, the resource explorer is the tab the shows the resources inside each account. It is hidden initially and only shows up once you interact with an account's storage. But even then, it only shows up after you click an account, which usually decouples the view a transaction that updates the stored resources.
Flow Playground: Fix client-side errors in the playground frontend
@hichanaWinner: Congratulations to the hichana! 🏆
Challenge Summary
The Flow Playground frontend app throws a number of console errors in product. Those errors shouldn't be there.
Non-React FCL Usage: Dapp example
@amitkothari @ic3guyWinner: Congratulations to the Enouvo! 🏆
Challenge Summary
While using FCL is possible in non-react example, we do not have many examples in the community of this usage. There are some issues with installing the FCL package directly due to packages used to support GRPC.
FCL: Calculate the transaction hash
@avcdsldWinner: Congratulations to the nagato1_c511! 🏆
Challenge Summary
Get the transaction hash before it's sent to the blockchain for FCL.
Flow Providers: Non-custodial Wallets
aishairzayWinner: Congratulations to the Zaycodes! 🏆
Challenge Summary
Create a non-custodial FCL compatiable wallet.
JS Testing: Multiple return values from interaction
@hichanaWinner: Congratulations to the Team Exponential! 🏆
Challenge Summary
The JS Testing Framework has two functions: sendTransaction and executeScript that currently return a single result from their execution. It does not have a good way of handling errors that should be caught and processed. This can cause issues with multiple interactions called in succession.
Improve Existing SDK: Python
@barekatiWinner: Congratulations to the barekati! 🏆
Challenge Summary
Improve the Python SDK to meet the onflow/sdks
VS Code Extension: Architecture improvements
@eburnetteWinner: Congratulations to koala! 🏆
Challenge Summary
The VS Code extension architecture could be improved so the extension becomes lighter and only handles the communication with the language server and the UI.
New Standards
The Flow protocol needs a solid set of standards to help developers and users understand the protocol and how to use it. Our FLIP fiest contributers have started the conversation around 2 very important new stardards for Flow.
NFT metadata
@bjartekWinner: Congratulations to the Non Fungibles! 🏆
Challenge Summary
The current Flow NFT interface, however, does not include a metadata standard that allows these representations to flourish. NFTs should be able to include structured data, images, videos and other types of data.
Decentralized identifiers (DIDs) on Flow
@mwufiWinner: Congratulations to the mwufi! 🏆
Challenge Summary
Flow could benefit from dedicated DID infrastructure for interoperating Flow identities with services outside of Flow, such as decentralized data storage and credential verification systems.